About Tash
Backed by professional qualifications and a wealth of experience, Tash is a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer, who is passionate about evidence-based, complementary medicine, fitness and applying these approaches to support patients in their individual health journey.
Tash is an accredited healthcare provider and is committed to supporting patients in their health journey.
Tash has directed her professional development with purpose and has built experience and qualification in many areas that support health and wellbeing so that, as a health practitioner, she is able to draw on expansive knowledge and skill to provide a holistic and integrated treatment approach to patient health. Tash’s skill and experience include:
Professionally accredited and experienced Naturopath
Professionally accredited and experienced Nutritionist
Registered member of Australian Natural Therapists Association
Certified fitness instructor
Ten years’ experience in pharmacy, health food and sports nutrition customer service for further exposure to mainstream medicine, and general patient health.
Among other special interests, Tash is able to provide the following care:
Review patients systematically, and use the science of naturopathy to determine and treat underlying causes of health issues
Support improved nutritional status, general health and wellbeing
Weight management
Improve strength, energy and focus
Hormone regulation in conditions such as PMS, PCOS, perimenopause and menopause
Fertility support, pre-conception care, pregnancy and post-natal support
Improve digestive health particularly for conditions such as IBS, bloating, abdominal discomfort, and food insensitivities and intolerances.
Tash’s Story
Tash enjoyed being active as a child but experienced persistent illnesses throughout her youth. Despite many hospital admissions, countless specialist consultations and rigorous testing, no official diagnosis was ever reached.
Heading into teenage years, Tash came to understand that she never felt entirely well and noticed ongoing, unspecific gastrointestinal upset, ongoing fatigue as well as recurrent bouts of viral and bacterial infection.
It was not until a chance encounter with a practicing naturopath at a local gym that Tash recognised that there was a distinct link between digestive issues and her impaired immunity and finally, Tash was equipped to take action to regain her health.
It was this experience that led Tash to discover her passion; to help others to prevent illness, to strengthen and support their health and to identify and manage the underlying causes of various conditions and ailments.
Today, Tash is a married mother of two and understands only too well the importance of finding the right balance in a fast-paced environment in order to manage the impacts on health and wellbeing.